vasárnap, szeptember 13, 2009

A kunduzi emberrablásról

A tankerek felrobbantása után tehát elrabolták egy brit-ír újságírót és tolmácsát, majd megtörtént a szabadító akció. Azóta tovább folynak az akciók mindkét oldalról, nagyon intenzívvé vált a helyzet.

Eszerint a hír szerint újabb légitámadás volt Kunduz tartományban. Egy állítólagos térkép szerint, amely az afgán hadsereg jelentéséből származik Baghlnban Baghlan-i Jadid és Burka a tálibok uralma alatt áll.
Of the seven districts in Kunduz province, only two are considered under government control; the rest of the districts - Chahara Dara, Dashti Archi, Ali Abab, Khan Abad, and Iman Sahib - are considered contested or under Taliban control, according to a map produced by Afghanistan's Interior Ministry. Two districts in neighboring Baghlan province - Baghlan-i-Jadid and Burka - are under the control of the Taliban

Az emberrablással kapcsolatban a legérdekesebb forrás, amit hivatkozni érdemes, az elrabolt újságíró saját beszámolója a New York Times blogján jelent meg The Reporter’s Account: 4 Days With the Taliban címmel. Egy részlet:

Our guards, usually six or eight in number, were hugely unpredictable.

One became enraged when I urinated standing up, deeming it an offense to local families. He then calmed down and asked me to teach him how to count to 10 in English. Another kept trying to convert me to Islam, amid endless conversations with Sultan about Islam, working with Americans and his job.

When they bundled us into cars, they would sit with half a dozen rocket-propelled grenades bouncing around inside the car down rutted country lanes, or Kalashnikovs pointing at our, or their own, heads.

As the days wore on they seemed to be more relaxed with me, more verbally sharp to Sultan. (One Talib apologized for that blow to Sultan in the first minute, saying they could not always get good quality people.)

We also began hearing the word “Baghlan” shouted into cellphones, a town and province south of Kunduz. This made me nervous as I felt that these Talibs were strictly local, and operated only within their own comfort zone of these few square miles. Transferring us to another area could not be good.

The hectoring and attempts at converting me accelerated, and the demands to know why I would not convert, what I thought of the Prophet Muhammad, and so on. One, named Amman, said he wanted me to invite him to my home country of Ireland — I have dual Irish/British nationality — to start jihad. He at least appeared to be doing so out of a genuine conviction that it was his duty to bring me to Islam, occasionally tossing me cinnamon candies during the fasting period, which I declined to eat during the day. Others were harsher in tone.