szombat, december 18, 2010

Mindenki vonul valamerre - svéd, lengyel, német és brit esetek

Csupa ilyen hír a napokban. Itt vannak a svédek, akik egy friss terrortámadás után Stockholmban nem arról vitatkoznak, hogy úristen, futás Afganisztánból, hanem, megszavazza az ellenzék is a korábban bejelentett létszámemelést (Sweden to Strengthen Presence in Afghanistan). 500ról 850-re. Nem örökre, de most szükség még szükség van rájuk. Némi képességfejlesztést is kapnak: Next year will also see more UAVs and tactical and troop transport helicopters sent to the theater

Ami a terroristáikat illeti: Säpo, Sweden's national security intelligence agency, said in a Dec. 14 report to the government that some 200 Islamic extremists and militants hostile to Sweden and the West currently reside in Sweden

Németország 2011-től kezdi meg csapatai kivonását és 2014- akarja befejezni. Van honnan csökkenteni, mert jelenleg olyan 4800 katonájuk van kint. Kíváncsi vagyok mivel kezdik, elsősorban, hogy mi lesz a műveleti egységekkel, OMLT-kel és a PRT-kal. Szerintem ennek is az lesz a vége, hogy 2014-re mindent kivonnak, de aztán beküldenek új erőket kiképzésre vagy inkább mentorálásra.

Az idézett NYT cikk meglepően részletes. Kiderül, hogy Cameron brit min.elnök múlt héten bejelentette, hogy talán jövőre megkezdődhet a csökkentés, illetve, hogy “After the end of 2014, we won’t have British troops in a combat role or in anything like the number they are in now,” A combat role a lényeg, a training role az már más :)

Itt vannak a lengyelek. Az elnök szerint a lengyel egység ending its patrol and combat operations in Afghanistan in 2012, when troops will take on a purely training mission until 2014.

A EU parlamentnek - ez se nem be-, se nem kivonul - van egy hosszú döntése az új Afganisztán stratégiáról. Nem teljesen látom a dolog apropóját, a fogalmazás rendkívül bürokratikus (ahogy kell), de vannak benne egész informatív mondatok, például a biztonságról és kábszerről:
- 100. Draws attention, however, to the findings of the recent UNODC report indicating that the Taliban net only 4% of the profits from the annual narcotics trade, and local farmers 21%, with 75% going to government officials, the police, local and regional brokers, and traffickers; notes, in short, that NATO's Afghan allies are in fact getting the lion's share of the profits from the drugs trade;
- 105. Notes that a similar process of phasing out opium poppy cultivation could be envisaged for Afghanistan at a cost of EUR 100 million per year by specifically earmarking 10% of the EU's annual aid to the country for a period of five years;

A fejlesztésről
- 38. Calls on the High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, the Council and the Commission to set up a joint team of researchers to evaluate all EU and Member State measures and missions in Afghanistan once a year, using explicit qualitative and quantitative indicators, especially with regard to development aid (including public health and agriculture), good governance (including the justice sector and respect for human rights) and security (especially the training of Afghan police);
- 33. Notes, however, that EU losses are mitigated by the fact that 50% of the Union's aid (as compared with 10% of US aid) is allocated through multilateral trust funds, whose rate of effectiveness is very high (around 80%);
- 30. Notes that, according to the Afghan Minister of Finance, as corroborated by other independent sources, only USD 6 billion (or 15%) out of a total of USD 40 billion in aid actually reached the Afghan Government between 2002 and 2009, and that, of the remaining USD 34 billion, which was channelled through international organisations, regional development banks, NGOs, international contractors, etcetera, between 70% and 80% never reached the intended beneficiaries, the people of Afghanistan; notes the decision taken at the Kabul Conference that 50% of the international aid should be channelled through the Afghan national budget by 2012, in accordance with Afghanistan's request;
- 27. Draws attention to the huge cost of the war prosecuted in Afghanistan between 2001 and 2009, estimated at over USD 300 billion and equivalent to more than 20 times Afghanistan's GDP, and set to rise to over USD 50 billion per year with the additional military ‘surge’ that is foreseen;

Ez pedig egészen érdekes
8. Notes that 80% of the population is settled in rural areas, and that arable land per capita diminished from 0.55 ha in 1980 to 0.25 ha in 2007;

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